Photo of ASQ Raleigh SIG meeting attendees

First SIG Meeting of 2025

The ASQ Raleigh Special Interest Group (SIG) kicked off the New Year with a meeting at Frontier RTP on January 9. We welcomed some new faces and non-members and had a record turnout of 11 people representing mostly the life sciences and semiconductor industries.

We had two hours of active discussion while enjoying free beverages offered by Frontier RTP’s weekly Out of Office event. The meeting’s theme was Failure Mode and Effects Analysis (FMEA), a topic many quality professionals deal with regularly. Some points of discussion included

  • What is risk?
  • How do we deal with assessor’s bias?
  • How do we prioritize risks?
  • Who are the stakeholders, and what are their interests and perspectives on risk?
  • What other tools are used to manage risks?

Since launching this monthly in-person event in 2024, we have seen an increasing number of participants. Thanks to all who led and contributed to the discussion!

We will have our next meeting on February 13. The theme will be R&D Management. Hope to see you there!