Tag Archives: Data Science

ASQ Raleigh Life Sciences Special Interest Group Meeting — March 21, 2025

This event is free and open to the public. No ASQ membership is required. ASQ members will receive RU credit for attending.  Register here.

Title: Integrating Data Science and Quality to Achieve Organization Excellence: A Practical Plan for Success

Presenter: Milton Krivokuca DBA


Critical Quality 4.0 Components of a Digital Transformation

Digital transformation is not an abstract or theoretical journey. Objectives cannot be effectively developed without first analyzing data to establish a baseline for digital transformation. Data science, various types of analytics, and the emergence of multiple data sources can be confusing and intimidating for leaders faced with another challenge of “Where do we begin?” This presentation examines the key critical Quality 4.0 focused components of data analysis. The distilling of information as it flows is a process. This workshop examines the development of a data analysis process with human intervention, integrated with the critical components of data science and quality as the basis for an effective digital transformation.

This two-hour workshop includes moderated breakout sessions.

Discussion sessions focus on assessing the current state of a digital transformation plan and how a plan is required for various types of organizations, including the integration of human factors as related to artificial intelligence.

Breakout discussions will evaluate the correlation between an effective data scientist and a skilled quality professional. The skills overlap required for this functional position in an organization addresses the question of would a data scientist be more effective through a foundation in quality or a foundation in IT?

Who Should Attend:

· Managers responsible for planning, implementing or managing an organization s digital transformation.

· Quality professionals who desire to expand their careers to include data science and how data science integrates with quality as organizational excellence.

· Data engineers and programmers will recognize the existing resources within an organization available to them within organizations that can support an effective digital transformation.


12:30 – 1:00 pm Registration and networking

1:00 – 1:20 pm Introduction

1:20 – 1:50 pm Break-out and review of results

1:50 – 2:00 pm Break

2:00 – 2:20 pm Continued presentation

2:20 – 2:40 pm Break-out discussion

2:40 – 3:00 pm Closure and Q&A


Milton Krivokuca DBA

Presenter Bio:

Dr. Milton Krivokuca, is the Interim Program Coordinator for the Master of Science Quality Assurance program at California State University Dominguez Hills, Carson, CA. He is a recognized Quality 4.0 thought leader. He has instructed master’s classes in critical thinking and quality theories at several universities. Dr. Krivokuca frequently presents results of his quality related research through papers and presentations. He is past chair of ASQ Quality Management Division, an ASQ Fellow, ASQ 2024 Grant Award recipient, ASQ Section 700 Simon Collier Award recipient, ASQ Section 701 Quality Guru of the Year Award, and Quality Magazine’s 2024 Quality Professional of the Year. Dr. Krivokuca’s degrees include an MA, MBA, and a DBA. He has earned 10 ASQ professional certifications.